Minggu, 24 September 2017

My thought about music - Random Thoughts

(I know my english ability is sucks but let me try to write something in english cause i think it's good for improving my writing ability)  

People always say " Music is general language" at first i can't even understand the meaning of that sentence. But the more i listen to music like carefully try to understand the melodies, lyrics and music itself the more i realize the meaning of general language.

I think since i realized it,i became addicted to music like i can't even skip a day without listen to them. At first i just want to listen songs from one genre but the more i listen to other genres i think they have really beautiful and unique side.

Well, have you ever feel like every song have their soul? I really feel that and i think it's crazy at first but at the same time i feel lucky cause i can understand the "shape" of the song. Lately i have listen to indie singer from my country Indonesia she is Danilla and one of my favorite song is called " Terpaut oleh waktu " the song itself tell about how you admire someone but you can say it directly to him so you just play it with your mind like you and him are in relationship but it's just in your mind. It's really beautiful the way she put the words together.

Sunday, 24 of September 2017

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